Source code for qci_client.auth.client

  • # Copyright 2023-2024, Quantum Computing Incorporated
  • """Client for QCi's auth API."""
  • from copy import deepcopy
  • from datetime import datetime
  • import os
  • from typing import Optional
  • import requests
  • from requests.compat import urljoin
  • from qci_client.auth import types
  • from qci_client.utilities import raise_for_status
  • TOKEN_EXPIRATION_MARGIN: float = 10 * 60.0 # seconds.
  • class AuthClient:
  • """Used to authenticate to QCi applications."""
  • def __init__(
  • self,
  • *,
  • url: Optional[str] = None,
  • api_token: Optional[str] = None,
  • timeout: Optional[float] = None,
  • ):
  • """
  • Handles authentication against QCi cloud APIs.
  • :param url: url basepath to API endpoint, including scheme, if None, then falls
  • back to QCI_API_URL environment variable
  • :param api_token: refresh token for authenticating to API, if None, then falls
  • back to QCI_TOKEN environment variable
  • :param timeout: number of seconds before timing out requests, None waits
  • indefinitely
  • """
  • if not url:
  • self._url = os.getenv("QCI_API_URL", "")
  • else:
  • self._url = url
  • if not self._url:
  • raise ValueError(
  • "must specify url argument or QCI_API_URL environment variable"
  • )
  • if self._url[-1] != "/":
  • self._url = self._url + "/"
  • if not api_token:
  • self._refresh_token = os.getenv("QCI_TOKEN", "")
  • else:
  • self._refresh_token = api_token
  • if not self._refresh_token:
  • raise AssertionError(
  • "must specify api_token argument or QCI_TOKEN environment variable"
  • )
  • self._timeout = timeout
  • self._access_token_info: Optional[types.AccessTokensPostResponseBody] = None
  • @property
  • def url(self) -> str:
  • """Return API URL."""
  • return self._url
  • @property
  • def api_token(self) -> str:
  • """Return API token."""
  • return self._refresh_token
  • @property
  • def timeout(self) -> Optional[float]:
  • """Return timeout setting."""
  • return self._timeout
  • @property
  • def access_tokens_url(self) -> str:
  • """URL used for obtaining access tokens."""
  • return self.url + "auth/v1/access-tokens/"
  • @property
  • def access_token_info(self) -> types.AccessTokensPostResponseBody:
  • """Return user's access token info, retrieving anew when absent or expired."""
  • if self._access_token_info:
  • # Authenticating with an expired token simply returns a 401: Status
  • # Unauthorized, so proactively check here for expiration impending or
  • # already happened. Expiration times look like "2023-07-15T08:16:59Z".
  • expiration = datetime.strptime(
  • self._access_token_info["expires_at_rfc3339"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
  • )
  • seconds_to_expiration = (expiration - datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds()
  • # Renew access token if it has expired or expiration is impending.
  • if seconds_to_expiration < TOKEN_EXPIRATION_MARGIN:
  • self._access_token_info = None
  • if not self._access_token_info:
  • # Retrieve new access token info.
  • self._access_token_info = self.post_access_tokens()
  • return deepcopy(self._access_token_info)
  • @property
  • def access_token(self) -> str:
  • """Return user's access token, refreshing if expired or near expiration."""
  • return self.access_token_info["access_token"]
  • @property
  • def expires_at_rfc3339(self) -> str:
  • """Return expiration of user's access token."""
  • return self.access_token_info["expires_at_rfc3339"]
  • @property
  • def token_type(self) -> str:
  • """Return type of user's access token."""
  • return self.access_token_info["token_type"]
  • @property
  • def organization_id(self) -> str:
  • """Return user's organization ID."""
  • return self.access_token_info["organization_id"]
  • @property
  • def user_id(self) -> str:
  • """Return user's user ID."""
  • return self.access_token_info["user_id"]
  • @property
  • def headers_without_authorization(self) -> dict:
  • """
  • HTTP headers without bearer token in Authorization header, but with
  • Content-Type, Connection, and optional X-Request-Timeout-Nano headers.
  • """
  • headers = {
  • "Content-Type": "application/json",
  • # Simple, sessionless requests, so close connection proactively.
  • "Connection": "close",
  • }
  • if self.timeout is not None:
  • # Tell server when client will stop waiting for response.
  • headers["X-Request-Timeout-Nano"] = str(int(10**9 * self.timeout))
  • return headers
  • @property
  • def headers(self) -> dict:
  • """HTTP headers with bearer token in Authorization header."""
  • headers = self.headers_without_authorization
  • headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.access_token}"
  • return headers
  • @property
  • def headers_without_connection_close(self):
  • """Headers with cached bearer token, but without connection closing."""
  • headers = self.headers
  • headers.pop("Connection", None)
  • return headers
  • def get_access_tokens_health(self) -> types.AccessTokensHealthGetResponseBody:
  • """GET health."""
  • response = requests.get(
  • urljoin(self.access_tokens_url, "health"),
  • headers=self.headers_without_authorization,
  • timeout=self.timeout,
  • )
  • raise_for_status(response=response)
  • return response.json()
  • def get_access_tokens_version(self) -> types.AccessTokensVersionGetResponseBody:
  • """GET version."""
  • response = requests.get(
  • urljoin(self.access_tokens_url, "version"),
  • headers=self.headers_without_authorization,
  • timeout=self.timeout,
  • )
  • raise_for_status(response=response)
  • return response.json()
  • def post_access_tokens(self) -> types.AccessTokensPostResponseBody:
  • """
  • Authorize user via refresh token used to retrieve finite-lived access_token.
  • """
  • json: types.AccessTokensPostRequestBody = {"refresh_token": self._refresh_token}
  • response =
  • self.access_tokens_url,
  • headers=self.headers_without_authorization,
  • json=json,
  • timeout=self.timeout,
  • )
  • raise_for_status(response=response)
  • return response.json()