Source code for eqc_models.allocation.allocation
- from typing import List, Tuple
- from enum import Enum
- import numpy as np
- from eqc_models.base.constraints import InequalitiesMixin
- from eqc_models.base.quadratic import ConstrainedQuadraticModel
- [docs]
- class AllocationModel(ConstrainedQuadraticModel):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- resources: List
- names of available resources.
- tasks: List
- names of tasks.
- resource_usage: List of Lists or 2D np.ndarray
- rows represent tasks and columns represent resources,
- specifying the amount of each resource required per task.
- resource_limits: 1D array or List
- specifying the limit on each resource.
- cost_per_task: 1D array List
- specifying the cost per task (or benefit with negative of value).
- Attributes
- ----------
- penalty_multiplier: float
- value for weighting the penalties formed from the equality constraints
- qubo: eqc_models.base.operators.QUBO
- QUBO operator representation
- polynomial: eqc_models.base.operators.Polynomial
- Polynomial operator representation
- This class represents a resource allocation model for maximizing total benefit. In other words,
- Given a list of resources and a list of tasks, allocate the resources among the tasks so as to
- maximize the economic benefit.
- Here's an example. Five tasks must share 4 resources. Each task can use a different amount of
- each resource.
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | | Spam | Eggs | Coconut | Sparrow | Benefit |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | Breakfast | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | Countryside Stroll | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | Storm Castle | 0 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 10 |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | Availability | 1 | 12 | 2 | 1 | |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- >>> resources = ["Spam", "Eggs", "Coconut", "Sparrow"]
- >>> tasks = ["Breakfast", "Countryside Stroll", "Storm Castle"]
- >>> resource_usage = [[1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 12, 1, 1]]
- >>> resource_limits = [1, 12, 2, 1]
- >>> cost_per_task = [-3, -1, -10.]
- >>> allocation_model = AllocationModel(resources, tasks, resource_usage, resource_limits, cost_per_task)
- >>> allocation_model.penalty_multiplier = 1
- >>> C, J = allocation_model.H
- >>> C # -3 -2 * (12 * 2 + 1 * 1), -1 -2 * 2*1, -10 -2 * (12 * 12 + 1 * 2 + 1 * 1)
- ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- array([ -53., -5., -304.])
- >>> J # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- array([[ 5., 0., 24.],
- [ 0., 1., 1.],
- [ 24., 1., 146.]])
- """
- def __init__(self, resources: List, tasks: List, resource_usage: List, resource_limits: List,
- cost_per_task: List):
- if not isinstance(resources, list):
- raise TypeError("Argument 'resources' must be a list")
- if not isinstance(tasks, list):
- raise TypeError("Argument 'tasks' must be a list")
- if not isinstance(resource_usage, list):
- raise TypeError("Argument 'resource_usage' must be a list")
- if not isinstance(resource_limits, list):
- raise TypeError("Argument 'resource_limits' must be a list")
- if not isinstance(cost_per_task, list):
- raise TypeError("Argument 'cost_per_task' must be a list")
- self.resources = resources
- self.tasks = tasks
- self.resource_usage = np.array(resource_usage)
- self.resource_limits = np.array(resource_limits)
- self.cost_per_task = np.array(cost_per_task)
- super(AllocationModel, self).__init__(self.cost_per_task, np.zeros((len(self.tasks), len(self.tasks))), self.resource_usage.T, self.resource_limits)
- self._validate_dimensions()
- @property
- def upper_bound(self) -> np.array:
- return np.array([np.floor(max(self.resource_limits[self.resource_limits != 0]) /
- min(self.resource_usage[self.resource_usage != 0]))] * len(self.tasks), dtype=int)
- @upper_bound.setter
- def upper_bound(self, value: List):
- self._upper_bound = value
- @property
- def variables(self):
- return [(i, j) for i in self.tasks for j in self.resources]
- def _validate_dimensions(self):
- """Raises ValueErrors for inconsistent dimensions."""
- num_tasks = len(self.tasks)
- num_resources = len(self.resources)
- if self.resource_usage.shape != (num_tasks, num_resources):
- raise ValueError("resource_usage matrix dimensions don't match number of tasks and resources")
- if self.resource_limits.shape[0] != num_resources:
- raise ValueError("resource_limits length doesn't match number of resources")
- if self.cost_per_task.shape[0] != num_tasks:
- raise ValueError("cost_per_task length doesn't match number of tasks")
- [docs]
- def add_task(self, task: str, task_resource_usage: List, task_cost: float):
- """
- task: str
- Name of task to add
- task_resource_usage: List
- Quantity of resource used for task for all tasks
- task_cost: float
- Quantity indicating the cost or benefit (negative) of the task
- Add a task to the problem, modifying the resource usage and task cost arrays.
- """
- self.tasks += [task]
- self.resource_usage = np.vstack([self.resource_usage, task_resource_usage])
- self.cost_per_task = np.append(self.cost_per_task, task_cost)
- @property
- def H(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray]:
- """ Return linear, quadratic portions of the (quadratic) Hamiltonian """
- Pl, Pq = self.penalties
- alpha = self.penalty_multiplier
- obj_linear, obj_quad = self.linear_objective, self.quad_objective
- self._C = obj_linear + alpha * Pl
- self._J = obj_quad + alpha * Pq
- return obj_linear + alpha * Pl, obj_quad + alpha * Pq
- [docs]
- class ResourceRuleEnum(Enum):
- """
- Enumeration of the allowed resource rules, mapping to the mathematical expression:
- MAXIMUM -> LE (less than or equal to)
- MINIMUM -> GE (greater than or equal to)
- EXACT -> EQ (equal to)
- """
- EXACT = "EQ"
- [docs]
- class AllocationModelX(InequalitiesMixin, AllocationModel):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- resources: List
- names of available resources.
- tasks: List
- names of tasks.
- resource_usage: List of Lists or 2D np.ndarray
- rows represent tasks and columns represent resources,
- specifying the amount of each resource required per task.
- resource_limits: 1D array or List
- specifying the limit on each resource.
- resource_rule: List
- ResourceRuleEnum values for each resource
- cost_per_task: 1D array List
- specifying the cost per task (or benefit with negative of value).
- Attributes
- ----------
- penalty_multiplier: float
- value for weighting the penalties formed from the equality constraints
- qubo: eqc_models.base.operators.QUBO
- QUBO oeprator representation
- polynomial: eqc_models.base.operators.Polynomial
- Polynomial operator representation
- variables: List
- names of variables formed from tasks and assignments
- This class represents a resource allocation model for maximizing total benefit. In other words,
- Given a list of resources and a list of tasks, allocate the resources among the tasks so as to
- maximize the economic benefit.
- Adds resource_rule as an argument. This must be a list of strings specifying
- constraints for each resource (LE, GE, or EQ).
- Here's an example. Five tasks must share 4 resources. Each task can use a different amount of
- each resource.
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | | Spam | Eggs | Coconut | Sparrow | Benefit |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | Breakfast | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | Countryside Stroll | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | Storm Castle | 0 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 10 |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- | Availability | 1 | 12 | 2 | 1 | |
- +--------------------+------+------+---------+---------+---------+
- >>> resources = ["Spam", "Eggs", "Coconut", "Sparrow"]
- >>> tasks = ["Breakfast", "Countryside Stroll", "Storm Castle"]
- >>> resource_usage = [[1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 12, 1, 1]]
- >>> resource_limits = [1, 12, 2, 1]
- >>> cost_per_task = [-3, -1, -10.]
- >>> resource_rules = [ResourceRuleEnum.MAXIMUM for i in range(len(resources))]
- >>> allocation_model = AllocationModelX(resources, tasks, resource_usage, resource_limits, resource_rules, cost_per_task)
- >>> allocation_model.penalty_multiplier = 1
- >>> C, J = allocation_model.H
- >>> C # -3 -2 * (12 * 2 + 1 * 1), -1 -2 * 2*1, -10 -2 * (12 * 12 + 1 * 2 + 1 * 1)
- ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- array([ -53., -5., -304., -2., -24., -4., -2.])
- >>> J # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- array([[ 5., 0., 24., 1., 2., 0., 0.],
- [ 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
- [ 24., 1., 146., 0., 12., 1., 1.],
- [ 1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
- [ 2., 0., 12., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
- [ 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
- [ 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.]])
- """
- def __init__(self, resources: List, tasks: List, resource_usage: List, resource_limits: List,
- resource_rule: List[ResourceRuleEnum], cost_per_task: List):
- super().__init__(resources, tasks, resource_usage, resource_limits, cost_per_task)
- if not isinstance(resource_rule, list):
- raise TypeError("Argument 'resource_rule' must be a list")
- elif len(resource_rule) != len(resources):
- raise ValueError("Argument 'resource_rule' must be the same length as 'resources'")
- try:
- check_rule = set([rule.value for rule in resource_rule])
- if not check_rule.issubset({"LE", "GE", "EQ"}):
- raise ValueError("Argument 'resource_rule' must contain only enums 'ResourceRuleEnum.MAXIMUM', "
- "'ResourceRuleEnum.MINIMUM' or 'ResourceRuleEnum.EXACT'.")
- except AttributeError as e:
- raise TypeError("Argument 'resource_rule' must contain only enums. Elements lack a 'value' "
- "attribute.") from e
- self.senses = list([rule.value for rule in resource_rule])
- @property
- def upper_bound(self) -> np.array:
- return np.array([np.floor(max(self.resource_limits[self.resource_limits != 0]) /
- min(self.resource_usage[self.resource_usage != 0]))] * self.n, dtype=int)
- @upper_bound.setter
- def upper_bound(self, value: List):
- self._upper_bound = value
- @property
- def linear_objective(self) -> np.ndarray:
- """
- Returns a 1D numpy array representing the linear part of the objective function (total profit).
- """
- return np.hstack([self.cost_per_task, np.zeros(self.num_slacks)])
- @linear_objective.setter
- def linear_objective(self, value : np.ndarray):
- assert (value[len(self.cost_per_task):]==0).all(), "additional values beyond cost length must be 0"
- self.cost_per_task[:] = value[:len(self.cost_per_task)]
- @property
- def quad_objective(self) -> np.ndarray:
- """
- Returns a 2D numpy array representing the quadratic part of the objective function (always zero in this case).
- """
- n = self.n
- return np.zeros((n, n))
- @quad_objective.setter
- def quad_objective(self, value: np.ndarray):
- """ Don't let anything be passed in except arrays of all 0 """
- assert (value==0).all(), "quadratic terms in objective must be 0"
- @property
- def H(self):
- """
- Overrides the parent build method to incorporate slack variables based on resource_rule.
- """
- Pl, Pq = self.penalties
- alpha = self.penalty_multiplier
- obj_linear, obj_quad = self.linear_objective, self.quad_objective
- self._C = obj_linear + alpha * Pl
- self._J = obj_quad + alpha * Pq
- return obj_linear + alpha * Pl, obj_quad + alpha * Pq
- [docs]
- def checkResources(self, solution):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- solution: List or np.ndarray
- solution vector to check for resource violations
- Returns
- -------
- List of violations: (name, rule, violation quantity, message)
- """
- violations = []
- solution = np.array(solution)
- for name, usage, rule, limit in zip(self.resources, self.resource_usage.T,
- self.senses, self.resource_limits):
- decision_vars = self.n - self.num_slacks
- value = np.squeeze(usage@solution[:decision_vars])
- if rule == ResourceRuleEnum.MINIMUM:
- mult = -1
- else:
- mult = 1
- if rule == ResourceRuleEnum.EXACT:
- if value - limit != 0:
- msg = f"{value} of {name} violates {rule} {limit}"
- violations.append((name, rule, value - limit, msg))
- else:
- if mult * (value - limit) > 0:
- msg = f"{value} of {name} violates {rule} {limit}"
- violations.append((name, rule, (value - limit), msg))
- return violations
- @property
- def n(self):
- return len(self.tasks) + self.num_slacks