Source code for uqrng_direct.client
- """
- Helper functions for interacting with QRNG through GRPC client
- """
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- from typing import List, Union
- import time
- import grpc
- from .utils import message_to_dict, \
- SysStatus, \
- StatusDict, \
- resultNIST, \
- SystemInfoDict, \
- create_summary_table, \
- check_qrng_busy_error
- from . import uqrng_pb2_grpc
- from . import uqrng_pb2
- [docs]
- @dataclass
- class UqrngClient:
- """
- Client which provides access to QCI uqrng server interactions.
- :param ip_address: ip address of grpc server
- :param port: port of grpc server
- :param stub: the grpc stub that is created in the class
- :param channel: the grpc channel
- :note: stub used in all functions is a grpc server object
- """
- ip_address: str = "localhost"
- port: str = "50051"
- simulator: bool = False
- distribution: int = 2
- stub = None
- channel = None
- def __post_init__(self):
- max_data_size = 512 * 1024 * 1024
- ip_add_port = self.ip_address + ":" + self.port
- channel_opt = [
- ("grpc.max_send_message_length", max_data_size),
- ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", max_data_size),
- ]
- = grpc.insecure_channel(ip_add_port, options=channel_opt)
- self.stub = uqrng_pb2_grpc.UqrngServiceStub(
- [docs]
- def GetEntropy(self, bits_of_entropy: int, wait: bool=False, timeout: int=0) -> bytes:
- """
- Streams random bits from uqrng device to client as bytes.
- :param bits_of_entropy: the number of bits to stream to the client
- :param wait: whether to wait for device to become available
- :param timeout: seconds to wait for QRNG device to become available. If is
- less than or equal to 0 than waits indefinitely.
- :return: bitstring as bytes from the entropy source
- :note: Will return as :code:`UNAVAILABLE` with the following message when is in
- use 'QRNG currently in use'.
- """
- entropy_message = uqrng_pb2.RngInput(bits_of_entropy=bits_of_entropy)
- qrn_bytes = bytes()
- qrn_responses = self.stub.GetEntropy(
- entropy_message
- )
- try:
- for response in qrn_responses:
- qrn_bytes = qrn_bytes + response.entropy_bitstring
- except grpc.RpcError as err:
- if check_qrng_busy_error(rpc_err=err) and wait:
- print("QRNG in use waiting for access to device...")
- if timeout>0:
- while (timeout>0):
- time.sleep(1)
- qrn_responses = self.stub.GetEntropy(
- entropy_message
- )
- try:
- for response in qrn_responses:
- qrn_bytes = qrn_bytes + response.entropy_bitstring
- break
- except grpc.RpcError as err:
- timeout -= 1
- if not check_qrng_busy_error(rpc_err=err):
- raise
- if timeout<=0:
- raise
- else:
- while (True):
- qrn_responses = self.stub.GetEntropy(
- entropy_message
- )
- try:
- for response in qrn_responses:
- qrn_bytes = qrn_bytes + response.entropy_bitstring
- break
- except grpc.RpcError as err:
- if not check_qrng_busy_error(rpc_err=err):
- raise
- else:
- raise
- return qrn_bytes
- [docs]
- def GetNoise(self, number_of_samples_requested: int, wait: bool=False, timeout: int=0) -> List[int]:
- """
- Random numbers from entropy source from device w/out post-processing.
- :param number_of_samples_requested: amount of random numbers requested
- :param wait: whether to wait for device to become available to sample
- :param timeout: seconds to wait for QRNG device to become available. If is
- less than or equal to 0 than waits indefinitely.
- :return: a list of integers in range 0-99,999
- :note: Will return as :code:`UNAVAILABLE` with the following message when is in
- use 'QRNG currently in use'.
- """
- noise_message = uqrng_pb2.NoiseInput(number_of_samples_requested=number_of_samples_requested)
- samples = []
- noise_responses = self.stub.GetNoise(
- noise_message
- )
- try:
- for response in noise_responses:
- samples += response.noise_source_data
- except grpc.RpcError as err:
- if check_qrng_busy_error(rpc_err=err) and wait:
- print("QRNG in use waiting for access to device...")
- if timeout>0:
- while (timeout>0):
- time.sleep(1)
- noise_responses = self.stub.GetNoise(
- noise_message
- )
- try:
- for response in noise_responses:
- samples += response.noise_source_data
- break
- except grpc.RpcError as err:
- timeout -= 1
- if not check_qrng_busy_error(rpc_err=err):
- raise
- if timeout<=0:
- raise
- else:
- while (True):
- noise_responses = self.stub.GetNoise(
- noise_message
- )
- try:
- for response in noise_responses:
- samples += response.noise_source_data
- break
- except grpc.RpcError as err:
- if not check_qrng_busy_error(rpc_err=err):
- raise
- else:
- raise
- return samples
- [docs]
- def HealthTest(self, wait: bool = True) -> Union[resultNIST, StatusDict]:
- """
- Runs all tests from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Statistical
- Test Suite for random and pseudo random numbers NIST SP 800-22 version 2.1.1.
- When run HealthTests are queued until the device becomes idle
- All tests are run with the default parameters. The NIST tests are run on 10
- bitstreams of 1 million samples each. A full list of the tests that are as follows:
- - [01] Frequency
- - [02] Block Frequency
- - [03] Cumulative Sums
- - [04] Runs
- - [05] Longest Run of Ones
- - [06] Rank
- - [07] Discrete Fourier Transform
- - [08] Nonperiodic Template Matchings
- - [09] Overlapping Template Matchings
- - [10] Universal Statistical
- - [11] Approximate Entropy
- - [12] Random Excursions
- - [13] Random Excursions Variant
- - [14] Serial
- - [15] Linear Complexity
- For more information go
- `here <>`_.
- :param wait: bool indicating whether or not to wait for completion.
- :return: a dictionary of type :class:`.utils.resultNIST` if wait for
- results else `.utils.StatusDict`
- :note: Occasional failures may occur for any given test. Only repeated failures for a given
- test or many tests failing simulatenously indicate that the device entropy source is
- malfunctioning.
- """
- health_resp = self.stub.HealthTest(
- uqrng_pb2.Empty()
- )
- if not wait:
- return message_to_dict(health_resp)
- start_health = self.FetchHealthTest()
- elapsed_time = start_health["test_detail"]["elapsed_time_mins"]
- while True:
- time.sleep(2)
- iter_health_res = self.FetchHealthTest()
- if iter_health_res["test_detail"]["elapsed_time_mins"]<elapsed_time:
- break
- return iter_health_res
- [docs]
- def FetchHealthTest(self) -> resultNIST:
- """
- Fetches most recent health test results from server
- :return: a dict of NIST testing results :class:`.resultNIST`
- """
- health_result = self.stub.FetchHealthTest(uqrng_pb2.Empty())
- health_detail = message_to_dict(health_result)
- if len(health_detail["passed"])!=0:
- summary_table = create_summary_table(detail_result=health_detail)
- return {
- "all_pass": all(health_detail["passed"]),
- "test_detail": health_detail,
- "summary_table": summary_table,
- }
- else:
- return {
- "all_pass": None,
- "test_detail": health_detail,
- "summary_table": ""
- }
- [docs]
- def ScheduleHealthTest(self, test_interval_mins: int) -> StatusDict:
- """
- Sets health test interval for running all health tests on the device.
- Results for scheduled health tests can be retrieved by calling
- :meth:`UqrngClient.FetchHealthTest`.
- :param test_interval_mins: the number of minutes between automated runs
- for NIST-STS must be a positive integer if set to 0 indicates that
- the user wishes to not run any further health checks while the
- device is in operation. This is the default interval that is set on
- device startup.
- :return: a dict of class :class:`.utils.StatusDict` which indicates whether
- health test was successfully scheduled.
- :note: Restarting the device will remove any previous scheduling of
- health tests set by users prior to powering down, the device will
- revert to it's default settings which is to run one health test at
- start up with no scheduled follow ups.
- """
- health_resp = self.stub.ScheduleHealthTest(
- uqrng_pb2.ScheduleInput(test_interval_mins=test_interval_mins)
- )
- return message_to_dict(health_resp)
- [docs]
- def SystemStatus(self)-> StatusDict:
- """
- Indicates whether the uQRNG device is idle or processing a request.
- :return: a member of :class:`.utils.SysStatus` of type
- :class:`.utils.StatusDict`
- """
- status_resp = self.stub.SystemStatus(
- uqrng_pb2.Empty()
- )
- return message_to_dict(status_resp)
- [docs]
- def SystemInfo(self) -> SystemInfoDict:
- """
- Requests current system information.
- :return: a dict of type :class:`.utils.SystemInfoDict`
- """
- sys_info_resp = self.stub.SystemInfo(
- uqrng_pb2.Empty()
- )
- return message_to_dict(sys_info_resp)