
QCi Dirac 2

Dirac-2 is a low-power, room temperature, photonic EQC device purpose built for integer and non-convex optimization that uses qudits (quantum digits) instead of qubits as variables. Dirac-2 works by finding the minimal ground state spin configuration (and energy) of a complex Hamiltonian with many inter-correlated variables.

The objective function which is optimized by Dirac-2 is of the form:

Dirac-1 equation

Capabilities and applications

The Dirac-2 entropy quantum computer is purpose-built with the following applications in mind.

Integer optimization

Budget allocation

Portfolio management

Resource allocation

Supply change optimization

Route optimization



Qudit of 64 dimensions

Maximum size of variables

N = 1,000 (up to 2,000 with decreased connectivity requirements)



Operating temperature

25 °C / 77 °F (room temperature)

Power consumption

<80 W

Physical size

Contained in a 3U rack-mountable unit

Order of correlation

Any types of second-order correlations, where interactions between qudits can be repulsive (positive correlation) or attractive (negative correlation)