

QCi optimization application v1.


Client for QCi’s optimization API.

class qci_client.optimization.client.OptimizationClient(*, url: str | None = None, api_token: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, max_workers: int = 8, compress: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Used to run optimization jobs against QCi hardware.

Provides access to QCi’s public API for running optimization problems on Dirac devices, including file uploads/downloads and submitting/retrieving entire jobs.

  • url – url basepath to API endpoint, including scheme, if None, then falls back to QCI_API_URL environment variable
  • api_token – refresh token for authenticating to API, if None, then falls back to QCI_TOKEN environment variable
  • timeout – number of seconds before timing out requests, None waits indefinitely
  • max_workers – number of threads for concurrent file download calls
  • compress – compress file metadata and parts before uploading
property url: str
Return API URL.
property api_token: str
Return API token.
property timeout: float | None
Return timeout setting.
property max_workers: int
Return maximum number of concurrent workers for file operations.
property compress: bool
Return file compression usage flag.
property jobs_url
Get jobs URL.
get_job_id_url(*, job_id: str) str[source]
Get job URL with job ID.
get_job_status_url(*, job_id: str) str[source]
Get job-status URL using job ID.
get_job_metrics_url(job_id: str) str[source]
Get legacy job-metrics URL using job ID.
get_job_metrics_v1_url(job_id: str) str[source]
Get v1 job-metrics URL using job ID.
get_job_metrics_v2_url(job_id: str) str[source]
Get v2 job-metrics URL using job ID.
get_job_allocations_url() str[source]
Get job-allocations URL.
property files_url
Get files URL.
get_file_id_url(*, file_id: str) str[source]
Get file URL with file ID.
get_file_contents_url(*, file_id: str, part_number: int) str[source]
Get file contents URL with file ID and file part number.
upload_file(*, file: dict) dict[source]
Upload file (metadata and then parts concurrently). Returns dict with file ID.
download_file(*, file_id: str) dict[source]
Download file (metadata and then parts concurrently).
submit_job(*, job_body: dict) dict[source]

Submit a job via a request to QCi’s optimization API.

job_body – formatted json body that includes all parameters for the job
Response from POST call to API (see get_job_results())
cancel_job(*, job_id: str) dict[source]

Cancel a job via a PATCH request to QCi’s optimization API.

Only SUBMITTED, QUEUED, and RUNNING jobs will be successfully cancelled, raising an exception otherwise.

job_id – ID of job
Response from PATCH call to API
get_job_results(*, job_id: str) dict[source]

Get job_info, status, and results of a (possibly uncompleted) job by its ID.

job_id – ID of job
Dictionary with latest job_info, status, and results.
get_job_status(*, job_id: str) dict[source]

Get the status of a job by its ID.

job_id – ID of job
Response from GET call to API
get_job_metrics(*, job_id: str) dict[source]

Get the metrics for a job by its ID. v2 metrics are tried first, then legacy/v1 metrics.

job_id – ID of job
Response from GET call to API
get_job_response(*, job_id: str) dict[source]

Get a response for a job by id, which may/may not be finished.

job_id – ID of job
Return dict:
json response
get_allocations() dict[source]

Get allocations for running jobs on different device classes.

Return dict:
json response
build_job_body(*, job_type: JobType | str, job_params: dict, qubo_file_id: str | None = None, graph_file_id: str | None = None, hamiltonian_file_id: str | None = None, objective_file_id: str | None = None, constraints_file_id: str | None = None, polynomial_file_id: str | None = None, job_name: str | None = None, job_tags: list | None = None) dict[source]

Constructs body for job submission requests.

  • job_type – an enum.JobType or one of the string values defined in enum.JobType
  • job_params – dict of params to be passed to job submission in “params” key
  • qubo_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded qubo
  • graph_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded graph
  • hamiltonian_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded hamiltonian
  • objective_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded objective
  • constraints_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded constraints
  • polynomial_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded polynomial
  • job_name – user specified name for job submission
  • job_tags – user specified labels for classifying and filtering user jobs after submission
process_job(*, job_body: dict, wait: bool = True, verbose: bool = True) dict[source]
  • job_body – formatted json dict for body of job submission request
  • wait – wait synchronously for job to complete
  • verbose – track operations’ progress using timestamped console logs
if wait is True, then dict with job_info, status, and results and results
fields (results is None if job is not successfully COMPLETED)
if wait is False, then response dict from submitted job, which includes
job_id for subsequent retrieval (see get_job_results())

list_files() dict[source]

List files (metadata only).

dict containing list of files


Functions for data conversion.

qci_client.optimization.data_converter.data_to_json(*, file: dict) dict[source]

Converts data in file input into JSON-serializable dictionary that can be passed to Qatalyst REST API

file – file dictionary whose data of type numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix, or networkx.Graph is to be converted
file dictionary with JSON-serializable data



class qci_client.optimization.enum.JobType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enumeration of all job types, which are specific to qci-client.

SAMPLE_QUBO = 'sample-qubo'
GRAPH_PARTITIONING = 'graph-partitioning'
SAMPLE_CONTRAINT = 'sample-constraint'
SAMPLE_HAMILTONIAN = 'sample-hamiltonian'
SAMPLE_HAMILTONIAN_INTEGER = 'sample-hamiltonian-integer'
SAMPLE_HAMILTONIAN_ISING = 'sample-hamiltonian-ising'
class qci_client.optimization.enum.ProblemType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enumeration of all problem types, where values match jobs API values.

GP = 'graph_partitioning'
IHO = 'ising_hamiltonian_optimization'
NQHO = 'normalized_qudit_hamiltonian_optimization'
NQHO_CONTINUOUS = 'normalized_qudit_hamiltonian_optimization_continuous'
NQHO_INTEGER = 'normalized_qudit_hamiltonian_optimization_integer'
QHO = 'qudit_hamiltonian_optimization'
QLCBO = 'quadratic_linearly_constrained_binary_optimization'
QUBO = 'quadratic_unconstrained_binary_optimization'
class qci_client.optimization.enum.DeviceType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enumeration of all device types, where values match jobs API values.

DIRAC1 = 'dirac-1'
DIRAC2 = 'dirac-2'
DIRAC3 = 'dirac-3'
DIRAC3_NORMALIZED_QUDIT = 'dirac-3_normalized_qudit'
DIRAC3_QUDIT = 'dirac-3_qudit'
class qci_client.optimization.enum.JobStatus(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enumeration of all jobs statuses, where values match jobs API values.

class qci_client.optimization.enum.FileType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enumeration of all file types, where values match files API values.

CONSTRAINTS = 'constraints'
GRAPH = 'graph'
HAMILTONIAN = 'hamiltonian'
OBJECTIVE = 'objective'
POLYNOMIAL = 'polynomial'
QUBO = 'qubo'
GP_RESULTS = 'graph_partitioning_results'
IHO_RESULTS = 'ising_hamiltonian_optimization_results'
NQHO_CONTINUOUS_RESULTS = 'normalized_qudit_hamiltonian_optimization_continuous_results'
NQHO_INTEGER_RESULTS = 'normalized_qudit_hamiltonian_optimization_integer_results'
NQHO_RESULTS = 'normalized_qudit_hamiltonian_optimization_results'
QHO_RESULTS = 'qudit_hamiltonian_optimization_results'
QLCBO_RESULTS = 'quadratic_linearly_constrained_binary_optimization_results'
QUBO_RESULTS = 'quadratic_unconstrained_binary_optimization_results'
qci_client.optimization.enum.get_file_type(*, file: dict) FileType[source]
Get file type from a file.


Utilities, especially for creating request bodies.

qci_client.optimization.utilities.get_file_type(*, file: dict) FileType[source]
Get file type from a file.
qci_client.optimization.utilities.get_file_config(*, file: dict) Tuple[dict, FileType][source]
Get file configuration and file type from a file.
qci_client.optimization.utilities.get_post_request_body(*, file: dict) MetadataPostRequestBody[source]
Format metadata body.
qci_client.optimization.utilities.get_patch_request_body(*, file: dict) PartPatchRequestBody[source]
Format part body.
qci_client.optimization.utilities.zip_payload(*, payload: PartPatchRequestBody) bytes[source]
payload – str - json contents of file to be zipped
zipped request_body
qci_client.optimization.utilities.file_part_generator(*, file: dict, compress: bool) Generator[source]

Break file-to-upload’s data dictionary into chunks, formatting correctly with each returned chunk.

  • file – file to break up into file parts
  • compress – whether or not file parts are to be compressed
generator of (part_body, part_number) tuples